Thursday, February 18, 2010

Artyom's Family Has Found Him!!

Hi everyone, 

It is with such happiness and gratefulness that we want to share:  Aryom's family has found him!  To all who were able to help through a contribution, as well as through prayers and sharing of his situation, THANK YOU!  Your donations are now directly helping the Brown Family and your prayers, have no doubt, also helped make this happen.  We were elated to see Artyom's picture/profile be moved to the "My Family has Found Me" page: .
Please take a look to see some of the faces of hope.  It has been so cool watching new children, once at risk for being institutionalized,  being added to this page.   Aryom is being adopted by quite an extraordinary family.  In fact, his new family is also seeking to adopt two "other angels" through Reece's Rainbow, who do not have Down Syndrome, but have different challenge.  

"Artyom, Nastya and Maxim have not been forgotten!  In 2009. during the Brown's last adoption trip, these 3 beautiful children left an impression on Steven and Jenny's hearts. As they left the country , Jenny and Steven were heart broken to leave them and prayed that they would find a family soon.  God works in amazing/mysterious  ways ...... and after many months they could not ignore His call anymore to save them from a life institutionalized. They will return back again to Eastern Europe to go get them and give them the gift of family.
Steven and Jenny have been married for 13 years. Steven works on the  family farm and is a stay at home dad, Jenny is Pediatric ICU RN. They have been parents to over 20 children. They were foster parents. They have 2 grown children, 2 biological children together, 12 adopted children (9 were adopted from the USA foster care system, 3 adopted from Eastern Europe in 2009).  The 3 children adopted in 2009 have Down Syndrome and were made known to them through Reeces Rainbow.  Nicholas and Oksana had open heart surgery once they arrived to the US  and are doing excellent.  Noah (4) has reached many goals such as walking and feeding himself.  These children have adjusted very well and are loved so very much by all their brothers and sisters." 

You can meet Steven and Jenny's family here: .  Soon you will be able to follow their adoption journey, as they continue to share on their blog.  


I also wanted to share with you all a little more about Reece's Rainbow:  

First of all, they will be featured in People's Magazine TOMORROW (Friday, Feb. 19th) in an article entitled "Heros Among Us".   If you can pick up a copy, you're sure to be moved.

Also:  As Reece's Rainbow has been growing, they have been touching hearts and minds of the people in the poorer countries these "special needs" children are from, including some parents.  You see, often when a child with special needs is born in Eastern Europe, it is expected  that the mother gives the child up.  Support had not been offered.  Now, however, some very brave parents are choosing to keep their children.  Thus, a new branch called "Connecting the Rainbow" has begun to help serve those birth families who have chosen to keep their children and raise them at home.   (This is slowly but surely changing hearts and minds, and will hopefully take away the fear and stigma connected to special needs children in these countries and maybe even end the institutions.  One never knows, but we keep praying.)

This part is for any Youth Ministers, DRE's, others who work with children- or any youth- reading this:  Even the youngest of children want to be supportive and helpful in some way to meet the needs of these orphans with Down syndrome who need families.   "Change 4 A Chance" is now in it's planning stages as the official Youth Initiative for Reece's Rainbow.  Stay tuned for more details and website updates (

Finally, I just want to say how moved and blessed we have been in following some of the adoption stories & journey's through Reece's Rainbow.  Most of you know, we can't adopt right now, but I feel like my eyes have been open to the beauty of adoption- in particular older children and those with special needs, all who are the ones who so often fall through the cracks and are forgotten.  The families who reach out in faith to adopt a child like this are amazing people; they truly are Hero's Among Us, and the most awesome part...  these "Heros" are growing by the numbers every day!  Look at the difference just a year has made with the Christmas Angel Tree Fundraiser:  In ONE year, the number of children who found their "forever families" more then doubled and the money raised to help these orphans, more then doubled! 

I know these are hard and uncertain times for many of us.  But you know, no matter how hard it is for us right now, the truth is, it is so much harder for so many people throughout the world, esp. the orphans out there who do not know LOVE.  So, all though we are so thrilled and thankful to share with you the good news, lets not forget the others in need.  (I'll stop b/f I sound too preachy...or is it too late!?)  

Thanks a million! 
Cass and Geoff Butz

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Angel Tree Outcome: the BIG picture!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Angel Tree Update

Thanks for helping, if you were able.  Here's a summary of this effort:

At least $725.00 was added to Artyom's account for the Christmas Angel Tree Project Fundraiser (through our blog).

$525 was through the chip in link and at least $200.00 was given directly to Reece's Rainbow for Artyom.  A little more may be coming, too.  There is info on how to still donate on the side bar for anyone who wishes.  We will also update our blog with any new news on Artyom.

A million thanks to those who helped raise Artyom's account through the Angel Tree Fundraiser!!  You have big hearts and you have been a blessing!!   Thank you, too, to all who have and continue to pray for Artyom and these precious, innocent kids.

May you have a truly blessed and joy filled year!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Look At This Cutie!  
(If you are visiting for the first time, please refer to the Dec. 7 post) 
This is the first picture we saw of Artyom.  Can you see why our hearts melted!   Look who's in the background.  Lord, please watch over your little one.  Bring him his forever family.

It is our sincere hope and prayer that this reaches open hearts- and even his family.  Does anyone come to mind who may be able to invite Artyom into their home and be his family?  Could you be his family?

Artyom's total grant money has reached $5000... and will be still growing.

Artyom is HEALTHY, with a smile that can light up a room. He is an orphanage favorite, and is described as very friendly, affectionate, active, and happy.  He has very little time left before being sent to the institution, so someone PLEASE SAVE HIM.”
From one of our adoptive families who visited with him in August 2009:  “I saw Artyom today, he is such a doll!!  He is chunky and walks perfect. We were waiting in the hallway and he came out of the baby room like a little man... walked up to each one of us as if he was saying hello.   He pointed at a few pictures they had hanging on the wall, then the nurses noticed he was out of the room and started telling him to come back in the room to the group.   He looked at them and shook his hand as if to say “leave me alone!” and we all started laughing.   He has got to be adopted!   He would bring such joy to any family and looks extremely healthy and very smart.”  Contact Andrea directly for more information.

A million thanks to those who have helped raise Artyom's account.   Please join us in prayer for this cutie!  

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

(If you are visiting for the first time, please refer to the Dec. 7 post) 

First of all, thank you so much to those “first responders” who contributed to help Artyom!  We are very grateful. 

You will notice that we are off to a slow start, BUT… that doesn’t mean we can’t make it to the finish line!  If you read our original letter, you’ll also notice that we actually lowered our goal to $2000.  We believe that this is very tangible.  It is our sincere hope and prayer that we will be able to raise Artyom's account by $2000, at least. 

OK, moment of truth:  I hate fundraising.  I have developed a love for this child, who is most vulnerable…and helpless.   I didn’t “plan” to do this.  I felt compelled to.  Geoff felt compelled to…our children really want Artyom to be adopted into a loving family so that he may live! (after trying to answer, “Mommy why we can’t adopt Artyom?”)

So how did it all come about?  Why now?  About two weeks ago, after inquiring about Artyom's status, Andrea Roberts, the director of Reece's Rainbow responded:  

...  I love him so dearly, he reminds me so much of my Reece!   He is facing the institution, yes, and no one has inquired about him….  Boys are just so much harder to place.  ;(   …

A phone conversation followed this, in which I learned that even getting a child’s grant $ above $5000 has historically helped (as many adopting couples are not wealthy, so a good size grant can literally make the adoption possible.) I also learned that Artyom had no sponsor trying to raise money for him for Reece’s Rainbow’s largest fundraiser of the year, the Christmas Angel Tree Project.  Being as though we have been praying for this kiddo, it just seemed right that we should pull for him, in this way, too. 

So there you have it, that’s why we are asking for donations now, even though it is hard.  And yet, it doesn't have to be hard.  60 people able to give $35 accomplishes this $2000 goal.  I know people are busy, and many of us are feeling the pinch of a a tighter economy.   Some of you reading this may think "I already have my charities", and assume others will pick this one up.  (I'm guilty of thinking like this)  ...And you know, sometimes that's a true and valid point.  BUT, in this case, please don't assume others will take this one on.  Artyom, in this case, is the underdog.  Please, if at all possible, make a little extra room for this child.  Let's help give Artyom "the gift of a family" this Christmas.   Could there be a better gift?  

I will end it here.  I hope to blog a little more.  I have a truly amazing story to share with you all. 

Please keep Artyom in your prayers.  We pray for his protection, that he knows Love, that he never knows the institution, and that he is adopted very soon.  His forever family is out there.  Let's help make his adoption possible.  
 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this:  to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.  James 1:27

Monday, December 14, 2009

Reece's Rainbow Video

This is the ministry that is fighting for Artyom and other orphans, and seeking to unit them with their "forever family".        The first five minutes give a good overview.           

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Angel Tree for Artyom

Please help save Artyom from the institution...
and help make the blessing of a "forever family" possible!
To our wonderful family and friends, and also to those whom we have not had the pleasure of meeting,

We would like to share something with you…well, really, it is “someone”…

A little over a year ago we were introduced to a beautiful organization:  Reece’s Rainbow International Down Syndrome Orphan Ministry.   Reece’s Rainbow assists couples in adopting Down Syndrome children from other countries and by doing so, literally rescues these precious little ones from orphanages, and ultimately mental institutions.  Sadly, once a child is placed in an institution, he or she usually does not live more than another six months.  It is hard to imagine, but when you see photos of these poor children already in an institution, you can liken the images to those most of us have seen of people in concentration camps, starving to death without care or attention being given to them.   In short, the institutionalized children die of severe neglect.   Reece’s Rainbow seeks to rescue the orphans from this kind of fate and help allow them a chance to have a “forever family”.  This ministry advocates for those whom society has (mistakenly!) dismissed as less worthy- and consequently, beautiful things are happening!

While taking a look at Reece’s Rainbow’s website (, we noticed their “Prayer Warrior Outreach Project”, in which you commit to praying for one specific child waiting to be adopted.  The organization simply matches you with an orphan and sends you their picture, and you, in return, pray daily for this child.  Well, our family was given the privilege of praying for a little boy, nearly 3 years old, named Artyom, who is in an orphanage in Eastern Europe.  Cass can honestly say, her heart melted when she saw Artyom’s picture.  He is adorable.  In her mind’s eye she could imagine Michael, our 3 year old with Down Syndrome, and Artyom running around together.  The good news is, this little guy has been in a good orphanage and is currently well taken care of.  The bad news, however, is that Artyom is in a country that routinely institutionalizes children like him, at the age of 4, if they are not yet adopted.  Artyom has recently turned 4.

From the Reece’s Rainbow website:
“Artyom is HEALTHY, with a smile that can light up a room. He is an orphanage favorite, and is described as very friendly, affectionate, active, and happy.  He has very little time left before being sent to the institution, so someone PLEASE SAVE HIM.”
From one of our adoptive families who visited with him in August 2009:  “I saw Artyom today, he is such a doll!!  He is chunky and walks perfect. We were waiting in the hallway and he came out of the baby room like a little man... walked up to each one of us as if he was saying hello.   He pointed at a few pictures they had hanging on the wall, then the nurses noticed he was out of the room and started telling him to come back in the room to the group.   He looked at them and shook his hand as if to say “leave me alone!” and we all started laughing.   He has got to be adopted!   He would bring such joy to any family and looks extremely healthy and very smart.”  

An awesome thing happens when you begin praying for someone in need- daily.   You genuinely grow to care for them, even from a distance.  Yes, this “little man” most definitely has a special place in our hearts.  Though it is not presently possible for our family to adopt (a hard question both our 6 & 8 yr old have asked), we feel strongly called to help Artyom.  We have learned that there is NOT a shortage of families who would welcome a child with Down Syndrome through adoption, but there IS the challenge of finances, as the average oversees adoption cost is around $20,000.  Reece’s Rainbow seeks to have grants available for all children to help defer adoption costs, which, in many cases, makes the adoption possible.   It is hard for us to believe that Artyom is still waiting for a family, and that he is, in fact facing the institution (it could be within weeks or months).  He is just so full of life!

…and so, we are embarking on a mission to help save Artyom! 

There IS still hope! If we can raise Artyom’s grant money, a family will likely seek his adoption, and a sizable grant makes a profound statement.  This is literally about life verses death for this beautiful child.  Will you please consider this worthy cause and help save Artyom from ever having to see the walls of the institution?  If we all pull together to help, it may be easier then you think.  From now through Dec. 31 Reece’s Rainbow is holding their Christmas Angel Tree Project fund raiser.   If just 28 people contributed $35, that’s already another $1,000.  If 10 people were blessed enough to be able to donate $100, that’s another $1000.  We hope to be able to raise a minimum of $2000 for the Artyom's Christmas Angel Tree Fundraiser.    Of course, larger donations will help tremendously, but at the same time, no gift is too small.  Even a child who wishes to donate a dollar will help make this miracle happen!

Finally, because you never know when God will speak to one’s heart, or who this letter will reach…if, by chance, you are reading this and are finding your heart stirred at the thought of adopting this child, and may be in the position to do so, or perhaps you are open to adoption, but have never given thought to adopting a child with special needs,  we just want to encourage you…be open, visit Reece’s Rainbow’s website to see and learn about the families who have adopted these beautiful children, and of course, pray.  Though, not the same as adoption, we can testify through our own experience with our 3 year old son who has Down Syndrome, that he brings a tremendous amount of love and joy.  These children are blessings and gifts.  Though it is not always “easy”, the blessings continue to outweigh the challenges.   Our Michael is a true “love bug”, and from the looks of it, Artyom, too, will bring LOTS of love to the family who is blessed to have him.

Please feel free to forward or print this and share with everyone or anyone you think may help.  If you are interested in learning more about Reece’s Rainbow, you can vistit their website at:  The easiest way to make a donation directly to Artyom’s account is through the chip in button to right of this blog.  We are working with Reece’s Rainbow for Artyom; all donations go directly to them and are applied to his account.

Thank you to all who may be able to help Artyom.  May you and your loved ones have a truly joyful and blessed Christmas.

In Gratitude,
Geoff and Cass Butz and Family